2010-09-29 · Parallel Push-Pull 300B Mono Amplifiers Rudolf Moers from the Netherlands has kindly sent us details of his parallel push-pull 300B monoblock tube amplifiers to share with the DIY Audio community. It should be quite obvious from the photographs that the design and construction of a pair of amplifiers this size is by no means a small undertaking.
Stamou Tasos outlines the design and construction of a 300B single-ended triode (SET) tube amplifier following a single-ended (SE) tube amplifier schematic by J.C. Morrison. The single-ended 300B tube amplifier circuit will deliver about 8 Watts and is well suited for use with high sensitivity speakers.
Having never built a single-ended 300B amp, I figured the right thing to do would be to go overboard. So I designed and built this: There is an article in audioXpress magazine (May, 2009) I put together on this, so I won't post all the details about the design and construction - please buy the magazine! This is our DIY tube amplifier with famous Western Electric 300B triodes and Siemens C3g pentodes (here strapped in triode mode). It is a parallel single end 2010-09-29 The 300B-XLS will reproduce the required loudness with more ease than the standard 300B. The result is a more transparent sound picture at low or medium volume, while at higher volume, the dynamics of the original recording will stay unaffected. The 300B-XLS will bias in any amplifier the same way as the original WE300B.
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The 300B-XLS will bias in any amplifier the same way as the original WE300B. Emission Labs 300B-XLS Schematics. Last Update: Description Here are some schematics with the 300B-XLS tubes are listed. This tube behaves like any normal 300B tube, if biased as such.
Several other versions exist, ranging from a lower power 300B-Mesh tube, to the higher power 300B-XLS tube, or even the very high power 520B-V3 tubes. (The 520B is called like this for historical reasons, but is indeed a very large 300B. almost twice the power).
5 $709 PX4 Mesh - $985 300B Mesh - $985 300B-XLS $933 320B-XLS $938 Feb 28, 2016 - Single Ended Triode (SET) 2A3 Tube Amplifier Schematic from
The EML 300B-XLS is another top tier tube. Aug 12, 2020 Now to bring it all together in a KiCad schematic and build up a bill of Power amps: 'Newton' 300B PP based on a design by Lynn Olson that someone put out there a while back (Transformer Models Rev4.xls), Searching the internet I found some interesting schematics for a Push Pull tube 300B-XLS Amplifier 'MERKUR' (Stereo Version, 2x14 Watt) 300B-XLS-SE A reader sent me the following schematic of an all-tube phono stage The 300B is certainly a great triode, but it isn't easy to drive, due to its low-mu and weak May 19, 2008 I am looking forward to the new A-06S which is using the EML AD1M tube. Also thinking of getting some EML 300B XLS tubes in for the Melody The manual for my CA-330s is very basic but delivers the essentials. A local audiophile lent me his KR 300BXLS, these are incredible beasts with speed, Sep 27, 2011 300B Mk1 Single Ended Triode Mono Block Amplifier.
"Fatboy" 300B push-pull amp. The last few amplifiers that I've designed used pentodes and lots of NFB to get low distortion. So I decided to go to the other extreme: how low distortion could I achieve with no negative feedback of any kind. The result is the "Fatboy" 300B amp - named as such because, like me, it is a tad overweight. Amp Design
Other 300B Versions. Several other versions exist, ranging from a lower power 300B-Mesh tube, to the higher power 300B-XLS tube, or even the very high power 520B-V3 tubes.
Add to cart; Mini Tube Amp (12AX7+EL84) for PH Buyer $ 315.00. 2 in stock . Add to cart
Nov 7, 2016 - Stamou Tasos outlines the design and construction of a 300B single-ended triode (SET) tube amplifier following a single-ended (SE) tube amplifier schematic by J.C. Morrison. The single-ended 300B tube amplifier circuit will deliver about 8 Watts and …
Single end power amp. 27Kilos ( not a toy)
See 300B Single-Ended (SE) Tube Amplifier Schematic (6SN7 input) The power supply use a 5U4-GB tube rectifier and a C-L-C filter. Technicolor and Panavision; this is what I was after when I This power supply kit is used to provide well-filtered DC for the filaments of directly heated tubes, such as the 4P1L, 26, 01A, 45, 2A3, 300B, etc. Here is the schematic : You can use a HT anywhere from 250 Vdc to 550 Vdc. Which means you can substitute the output tubes from 2A3 , chinese 300B , Cetron 300B , Krone VV32/52 family.
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My guess was that the 300B would require too much voltage swing from the Aikido stage. Well, I now think that I was wrong.
but EH 300B(long time used) is good for me.la cream de la cream.good for Jazz and fusion etc even Classic. If would like to see some circuit diagram Schematic diagram for 300B Single Ended Amplifier. Schematic diagram of Hashimoto H20-3.5U Transformer use 300B Single Ended Amplifier on 20th Jan 2016
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Re: 300B Amplifier Schematic October 2nd, 2019, 12:26 pm Years ago I created a 'tube taster' linestage where I could easily switch between different tubes and hear the differences. The design you have there is a classic 300B design using a cascaded 6SN7 driver.
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2020-10-22 · Note: some browsers hide scrollbars until you begin scrolling. If you don't see scrollbars on these panels, position your mouse over a panel and scroll with your mouse wheel.
Phew. Mind you, all this from a newly minted company that was non-existent as an electronics manufacturer just one year prior. This amp would allow testing of even EML and KR high-current 320-style XLS … "Fatboy" 300B push-pull amp.